The Molesey Residents Association is a non-party political organisation which aims to protect and enhance the amenities and the environment of East and West Molesey.

Proposed Changes to Parking Controls in East Molesey


Surrey County Council is planning to introduce a package of amendments to local parking controls in the New Year. These include proposals for major new parking restrictions in East Molesey, in particular the introduction of controlled parking zones (CPZs) in Palace Road, Wolsey Road, Arnison Road, Hansler Grove, Grove Road and St John’s Road. The CPZs will operate for an hour in the morning from Monday to Friday, effectively preventing commuter parking. Although the measures will be popular with many of the people living in those roads, other residents have expressed concerns about the potential for displacement of commuter parking into neighbouring roads, many of which have limited off-street parking capacity.

The proposals will be subject to public consultation in the New Year. We will update residents via our website and Newsletters when the consultation dates and arrangements are known, and we would encourage everyone to respond so that their views can be taken into account.