Residents should be aware that the above planning application is for an anaerobic waste digester plant to be built on the Weylands estate which is accessed off the Molesey Road near Hersham Station. An anaerobic digester consists of very large concrete boxes which are filled with waste and allowed to smoulder. This produces gases and ash. The gases are usually used to drive a turbine to generate electricity. The presence of such a plant requires the importation of tens of thousands of tons of waste in order to drive it.
As we have not seen the detailed plans we cannot give the exact tonnage of waste which would be processed, but it will be large. This means a fairly constant stream of HGV Lorries to bring in the waste.
Our major objections to this are:
1) The proposal is not part of the agreed Surrey Waste Disposal plan;
2) The land is Green Belt;
3) The traffic generated will be very significant and therefore disruptive to the local communities of Hersham, Molesey and Walton.
We recommend that all residents in the areas affected, write to The Planning Dept., Surrey County Council, Penrhyn Road, Kingson-Upon Thames. KT1 2DN quoting the above planning application number.
Published on Saturday, October 26th, 2013
General Interest
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