Garden Waste Collections – Update from Elmbridge Council
Rob Moran, Chief Executive of Elmbridge Council, has written to the Council’s Garden Waste Subscribers witht he following update, which has also been published on the Council’s website:
Copy of Letter from Rob Moran
Dear Garden Waste Customer
First of all, I want to thank you for your patience and understanding with the suspension of the garden waste collection service in Elmbridge. This was a difficult decision but one we felt necessary in order to protect the core waste collection services in the borough.
We knew such an abrupt stop to the service was difficult for many of our customers which is why we have been doing all we can to rectify the situation. I cannot tell you at this time when the service will return in full, but I can confirm that we have arranged a one-off garden waste collection so that we can clear those bins that still had garden waste inside when the service was suspended.
Over the next few days we are sending you an email or letter letting you know the date of your collection, which will be either week of 1 November or week of 8 November, depending on your location in the borough. If the crew are delayed in getting to you, please leave your bin out until it is picked up, we will keep our website updated with relevant information.
Continued efforts to recruit HGV drivers
I am sorry to say that we have not seen a significant improvement in the availability of HGV drivers , however, we continue with our efforts to recruit and retain drivers to allow us to once again deliver a robust and efficient garden waste collection service.
In the meantime, once this one-off collection has been made please do not refill your bin until we provide details of when the collection service can be re-established.
Our website has information on those efforts, as well as details on how you can dispose of your garden waste while your regular collection service is suspended.
As soon as we are at a place when we can resume the service, I will let you know and, in the meantime, I thank you again for your understanding and patience.
Kind regards
Robert Moran, Chief Executive, Elmbridge Borough Council
Published on Wednesday, October 20th, 2021
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