06/11/2017 – Funding available for charities, community groups and voluntary sector organisations
Do you have a community project that could transform the lives of people in Elmbridge? Maybe you have the foundations of a great idea, but are struggling to secure funding? Elmbridge Borough Council is once again encouraging community groups, voluntary sector organisations and charities to apply for the Annual Grants fund. Each year the Council supports local groups and organisations who are making a difference in the Borough, by awarding individual grants of up to £4,000. The grant scheme is aimed at helping people who are in need, through supporting projects that can demonstrate a significant benefit to the community.
Peers from the voluntary, community and faith sector are invited to apply for funding from 1 November, for the 2018/19 financial year. Small, medium and large organisations are welcome to apply for funding to purchase equipment or cover project costs, with priority given to programmes that support vulnerable groups in Elmbridge. Previously, successful grants have been given to projects providing respite breaks to carers, advocacy to families and young people and crime prevention schemes.
Councillor Mrs Ruth Lyon the Portfolio Holder for Social Affairs says: “Elmbridge Council is committed to supporting the Voluntary and Community Sector. We are looking for grant applications from local groups who are supporting residents who need additional help. We also want to encourage applications from organisations who have not previously applied”.
The Voluntary Sector Support Team and Voluntary Action Elmbridge are running a Voluntary Sector Forum on Friday 24 November at the Civic Centre, Esher, between 2.30pm and 5.30pm where funders will be present to advise on their grants. It is also an excellent opportunity to network with other local organisations in the Borough and receive updates on the voluntary sector.
For an application form or to find out more about the Forum, please contact the Voluntary Sector Support Office, Community Support Services, Elmbridge Borough Council, Civic Centre, High Street, Esher, Surrey KT10 9SD, telephone 01372 474543, email or download the application form from the website: elmbridge.gov.uk/css/voluntary-sector-funding/
Published on Monday, November 6th, 2017
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