Draft Flood Risk Supplementary Planning Document for consultation
Elmbridge Council have published the Draft Flood Risk Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) for consultation. The SPD has been prepared to support the implementation of Core Strategy Policy CS26: Flooding and Policies within the Development Management Plan
It will help to ensure that flood risk to and from new development is fully taken into account and that appropriate information is included in Flood Risk Assessments that accompany planning applications.
It will help to ensure that where possible development is directed to areas of lowest flood risk but where development does take place in areas at risk of flooding that:
- it is safe;
- does not increase flood risk elsewhere; and
- where possible reduces risk overall.
Close reference is made throughout the SPD to the Strategic Flood Risk Assessment, which provides detailed information, including mapping, on flood risk across the Borough.
Elmbridge are consulting on the draft SPD between 12 October and 9 November 2015.
The SPD and supporting documents as well as further information including how to respond to the consultation can be viewed online via the consultation portal.
Published on Sunday, October 18th, 2015
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