06/11/2017 – Consultation on admission arrangements for Surrey’s community and voluntary controlled schools for 2019
Surrey County Council is consulting on:
- proposed changes to admission arrangements for some community and voluntary controlled schools for September 2019
- the admission arrangements for all remaining community and voluntary controlled schools for September 2019
Full details of the consultation and the changes being proposed are available at Surrey Says (www.surreysays.co.uk).
We will write separately to all Parish Councils in Surrey but I would be grateful if you could draw this consultation to the attention of any local community or resident groups in your area who may have an interest in responding. I attach a form of wording that you or they may wish to use in newsletters or on notice boards so that this consultation reaches the widest possible group.
The changes being proposed are as follows:
1. Cranmere Primary School – decrease in published admission number for Reception from 90 to 60
2. William Cobbett Primary School – decrease in published admission number for Reception from 40 to 30
3. The Dawnay School – introduction of a feeder link from Polesden Lacey Infant School at Year 3
4. Reigate Priory School – Introduction of a feeder link from Dovers Green and Holmesdale Community infant schools on a tiered basis
The consultation will run until Tuesday 12 December 2017. Anyone wishing to submit their views should complete an online response form. Alternatively paper response forms are available by telephoning the Surrey Schools and Childcare Service on 0300 200 1004. Please note that only response forms which are fully completed with the respondent’s name and address will be accepted.
After the closing date, responses will be collated and presented to Surrey County Council’s decision making Cabinet on 30 January 2018. Its decision will then need to be ratified by the full County Council on 6 February 2018. Once determined the final admission arrangements will be placed on Surrey’s website at www.surreycc.gov.uk/admissions.
Published on Monday, November 6th, 2017
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