New Funding for Local Projects (Community Infrastructure Levy)
In the past it has been usual for a property developer to come to an arrangement with the local council to provide some community facilities as a condition of receiving planning consent for their development. This frequently took the form of the provision of facilities such as a children’s playground or some open land and was often referred to as a ‘Section 106 agreement’.
This has now been put on a more formal basis by the government and called ‘Community Infrastructure Levy’ – or ‘CIL’. It takes the form of a sum of money per new property built paid to the local council for use in improving the local infrastructure supporting the new development. The amount involved can be up to £40,000 per new property (excluding affordable homes) and is not intended to replace normal council expenditure for council services or upkeep of property.
Local residents and organisations can apply for funding from the ‘CIL’ for local projects. Applicants will need to complete a Community Projects Application Form. More information is available from the Council’s website at: – then click on the link for ‘CIL funding for local projects’. Our Councillors will be happy to discuss any proposals you may have.
The government has specified that 25% of the ‘CIL’ money raised in an area has to be allocated locally and all Molesey councillors will make the decisions on this as a local Molesey Councillor group.
Provisionally, £5,700 has been allocated for improvements to Hurst Park riverside (made by the Thames Landscape Strategy group), £20,000 towards the cost of replacement of the Green Lane footbridge and £10,000 for repairs to St. Paul’s Church spire.
Very importantly, £30,000 has also been earmarked for the Molesey Boat Club in their plans to establish a replacement Elmbridge Rowing Tank on their Thames riverside site. MRA councillors are in total support.
Up to 20th October, Elmbridge Council is conducting a public consultation about these allocations under ‘Let’s talk Elmbridge’.
Published on Saturday, October 4th, 2014
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