Central Avenue Post Office in West Molesey scheduled for closure decision
We are very pleased to announce that Post Office Ltd has decided not to close the Central Avenue Post Office as originally intended.
This is very good news for the whole of Molesey – yes, even those living in East Molesey since, if the Central Avenue Office closed the people of East Molesey would find themselves standing in a much longer queue at the Walton Road Office, due to all those from West Molesey having to use the Walton Road Office as the only Post Office in the whole of Molesey.
Molesey Residents’ Association worked very hard for this result.
- We wrote to object to Post Office Ltd, PostWatch (an independent watchdog), and Ian Taylor M.P.
- We delivered over 3,600 leaflets to areas around the Central Avenue Office encouraging people to write to Post Office Ltd and PostWatch, suggesting certain topics they may like to consider using in their letters.
- MRA Councillor Mike Axton wrote letters to the press emphasizing the need for the Office to remain open and wrote most of the content of our leaflet.
- MRA Councillor Vic Eldridge met representatives from Post Office Ltd and PostWatch to make our views known and, together with the Chief Executive of Elmbridge Council, wrote on behalf of Elmbridge Council objecting and giving reasons why the Office should remain open.
The Association would like to thank all those residents who wrote as requested in our leaflet and especially those who organised petitions and objections off their own bat and, of course, our ever-faithful deliverers for delivering our leaflet. We would also like to thank PostWatch for their input with Post Office Ltd on our behalf.
You may be interested to know that this decision to reverse the closure of an Office by Post Office Ltd is the only one out of 39 scheduled for closure ! ! And only the second one where PostWatch have succeeded in getting a reversal in the South East.
A GREAT RESULT – Well done, everyone, and thanks again.
Published on Wednesday, September 22nd, 2004
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